short reads | Jan 18, 2011

China Top Economic Power

Nearly half of U.S. adults now say that China is the world's top economic power.

report | Jan 18, 2011

Group participation and technology

The proportion of American adults in each tech user group (those who use the internet, those who connect to the internet wirelessly, cell phone users, etc.) who are active in various organizations.

report | Jan 18, 2011

The Social Side of the Internet

The internet is now deeply embedded in group and organizational life in America. This is especially true of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

report | Jan 18, 2011

The Social Side of the Internet

The internet has become deeply embedded in group life and is affecting the way civic and social groups behave and the way they impact their communities

report | Jan 17, 2011

A Special Report on the Media and the Tucson Shooting

The January 8 Arizona assault stunned the nation and became one of the biggest stories in recent years. A PEJ analysis of mainstream and social media coverage and commentary reveals which element of the story made the most news, whether President Obama’s speech changed the narrative, how Sarah Palin was covered and how much attention the issue of gun control generated.   

feature | Jan 15, 2011

The Future of the Global Muslim Population

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