short reads | Mar 30, 2011

Favorable First Lady

Nearly seven-in-ten Americans have a favorable view of Michelle Obama.

short reads | Mar 30, 2011

No 2012 GOP Front-Runner

Among possible candidates for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, four (Romney, Huckabee, Palin and Gingrich) are supported by more than 10% of Republican voters and none garners the support of more than one-in-five GOP voters.

short reads | Mar 30, 2011

Campaign 2012: Obama vs. Generic GOP

Nearly half (47%) of registered voters say they would like to see Barack Obama reelected in 2012, while 37% would prefer to see a Republican candidate take the White House.

short reads | Mar 30, 2011

Twitter Users

Among adults who go online, 8% use Twitter.

report | Mar 30, 2011

Lukewarm Public Interest in Libya

While the media pivoted to Libya, the public did not follow, keeping their focus on the crisis in Japan. Americans give the press high marks for their coverage of the Japan disaster and Libya conflict, but have little praise for media coverage of economics and politics.

report | Mar 28, 2011

Modest Support for Libya Airstrikes, No Clear Goal Seen

Overview After several days of airstrikes on Libya by the United States and its allies, the public has mixed reactions to the military operation. Nearly half of Americans (47%) say the United States made the right decision in conducting air strikes in Libya while 36% say it was the wrong decision. Fully one-in-six (17%) express […]

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