As the fight for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination unfolds, more Americans say their impression of the GOP field is worsening than improving. Those views, however, have not resulted in a better view of President Barack Obama at this point. By a margin of two-to-one, more say that their impression of the GOP field is […]
Two decades ago, a survey conducted by the Times Mirror Center of the Soviet Union during perestroika showed a huge divide between hardline communists and the young, urban Russians who backed Boris Yeltsin and favoured a free market economy. Last weekend’s election results show how the divide endures 20 years on. A new Pew Research […]
The experience of the former Soviet Union's struggles to make the transition to a more open society holds an important lesson for the Middle East, a region in which the democratic tide still swells despite panicked opposition from some and the efforts of others to regulate its tempo.
Overview Two decades after the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russians, Ukrainians, and Lithuanians are unhappy with the direction of their countries and disillusioned with the state of their politics. Enthusiasm for democracy and capitalism has waned considerably over the past 20 years, and most believe the changes that have taken place since 1991 have had a […]
Senior Research Specialist Mary Madden's presentation on teens, social networking sites, and cell phones, prepared for the Consortium for School Networking meeting.
Herman Cain was in the campaign spotlight one final time last week, as he ended his presidential run in the wake of new allegations. Some good news on both the domestic and foreign economic fronts fueled coverage of the No. 2 and No. 3 stories.
Kathryn will discuss Pew Internet's data about the current digital divide(s) via Skype at the University of Kansas's virtual summit, "Telling Stories of Diversity in the Digital Age."