Kathryn will discuss Pew Internet’s data about the current digital divide(s) via Skype at the virtual summit, “Telling Stories of Diversity in the Digital Age,” on Saturday, December 3, 2011. The section, “Bridging the Digital Divide,” will be from 12:25 – 1:40 p.m. Central time.

The event will be streamed live on the University of Kansas School of Journalism homepage. Event organizers will also be liveblogging the event and soliciting questions on Twitter under the hashtag #digdiv.

Schedule of events

11:00 – 11:05: Welcome from Simran Sethi, Associate Professor, KU William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications (@simransethi, @KUJournalism)

11:05 – 12:20: Net Neutrality and Media Consolidation

  • Openness and Access: The Two Pillars of Internet Policy, Timothy Karr – Campaign Director, Free Press (@TimKarr, @freepress)
  • Media Policy for Social Change and Movement Building, Amalia Deloney – Media Policy Field Director, Center for Media Justice (@guatemalia, @mediajustice)
  • Putting Toll Roads on the Information Superhighway, Michelle Janaye Nealy – Freelance Reporter and videographer (@michellejanaye)

12:25 – 1:40: Bridging the Digital Divide

  • Digital Divide(s): A Look at the Data, Kathryn Zickuhr – Research Specialist, Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project (@kzickuhr, @pewinternet)
  • Myths about the Digital Divide, Jessamyn West – Community Technologist, MetaFilter.com (@jessamyn)
  • Crossing Digital and Social Divides in Los Angeles, Kathleen Patton-Kimmel – CEO and President, Crossing the Digital Divide (@cddnp)

1:45 – 3:00: Grassroots Media on the Global Stage

  • The Revolution Will Be Tweeted: The Effective Use of Social Media in The Arab Spring, Dima Khatib – Latin America Bureau Chief, Al Jazeera (@Dima_Khatib)
  • Graphic Voices: Comics Journalism and the Power of Non-fiction Visual Storytelling, Dan Archer – Comics/ Graphic Journalist (@archcomix)
  • Mobilizing Friends and Followers: Effective Grassroots Activism and the Role of Social Media, Lisa Dougan – Director of Field Outreach, Resolve (@lisadougan)

3:05 – 4:20: Accessibility and Opportunity

  • The Best Day of My Life So Far, Benita Cooper– Founder and Executive Director, The Best Day of My Life (So Far) (@bestdaysofar)
  • Seeing Anew: iPads and Cortical Visual Impairment, Dr. Muriel D. Saunders – Assistant Research Professor, University of Kansas Life Span Institute
  • App 911: The Use of Technology in Disaster Communications, Daniel Schaefer – Doctoral Candidate in Communications, Journalism and Mass Communication Technology Coordinator, University of Colorado-Boulder.

4:20-4:30: Closing remarks from Jeanne Brooks, Community Engagement Manager, Online News Association (@jmfbrooks, @ona)

Learn more about: The digital divide & broadband adoption