report | Apr 16, 2012
Seems like just yesterday that opposition to gay marriage was the strategy of choice to rally and energize the conservative base. In the 2004 presidential election, analysts believed that proposed state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage increased the turnout of socially conservative voters in as many as 11 states, where the measures appeared on the […]
short reads | Apr 16, 2012
Nearly a third (32%) of the world’s total population of 6.9 billion people live in countries which experienced a substantial rise in either government restrictions on religion or social hostilities involving religion betweenmid-2006 and mid-2009.
short reads | Apr 16, 2012
Nearly a quarter (23%) of adults now get news on at least two digital devices.
short reads | Apr 16, 2012
Half of Americans deem religion to be very important in their lives; less than a quarter of people in Spain, Germany, Britain and France share this view.
short reads | Apr 16, 2012
Just over half (52%) of Millennials say that the increase in people having children without getting married has been a change for the worse. Older generations hold a significantly more negative view of this trend.
short reads | Apr 16, 2012
While men lost twice as many jobs as women during the recession, they have gained four times as many jobs as women during the recovery.
report | Apr 16, 2012
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both carry so much political baggage that one or the other will have to defy modern political history to win in November.
report | Apr 16, 2012
In the 2004 elections, analysts believed that proposed state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage increased the turnout of socially conservative voters in as many as 11 states. But since then, many Americans have changed their minds, and a whole new generation has come of age with a different point of view on this issue.
report | Apr 16, 2012
Question: Your surveys often show results based on “non-Hispanic whites” and “non-Hispanic blacks”. Why aren’t Hispanics counted in these categories?