News in a networked world
Lee Rainie will discuss the Project’s latest findings about how people use the internet, smartphones, and social media tools to get news, share news, and create news.
Lee Rainie will discuss the Project’s latest findings about how people use the internet, smartphones, and social media tools to get news, share news, and create news.
Overview Just a third of Americans have a favorable opinion of the federal government, the lowest positive rating in 15 years. Yet opinions about state and local governments remain favorable, on balance. As a result, the gap between favorable ratings of the federal government and state and local governments is wider than ever. Ten years […]
Starting in 2013, the Census Bureau would like all of the more than 3 million households that receive its American Community Survey to be pushed to respond online, instead of mailing back the traditional paper questionnaire. The bureau recently released results of a test of online response that had some encouraging results.
Three-in-ten (30%) female veterans say they have served in a combat or war zone since 9/11; that compares to 57% of male veterans say they have done so.
Although it has been a contentious issue in many states, just 28% of voters view gay marriage as a very important issue.
Between 2009 and 2011, foreign-born workers experienced a 5.2% increase in employment, from 21.5 million to 22.6 million. In comparison, native-born workers experienced just a 1.8% increase over this same period.
The percentage of young men (ages 18 to 34) who say a successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives has dropped six percentage points since 1997, from 35% to 29%. The percentage of young women who put a priority on having a successful marriage has risen during that period.
Just 32% of the public now says that the U.S. should keep troops in Afghanistan until the situation there has stabilized.
The impending release of Google Drive and looming changes at Google+ triggered a lively online discussion last week as bloggers generally seemed to welcome these new developments. On Twitter, it was another big week for pop stars while a tragic car accident in Japan registered as the most viewed news video.
Overview Opinions about a pair of contentious social issues, gun control and gay marriage, have changed substantially since previous presidential campaigns. On gun control, Americans have become more conservative; on gay marriage, they have become more liberal. Currently, 49% of Americans say it is more important to protect the rights of Americans to own guns, […]