Most nations want Obama re-elected, survey shows
New Poll Shows Obama’s Global Popularity Slipping
Debt and Deficit: A Public Opinion Dilemma
The issue of the debt and the deficit – and what to do about it – has paralyzed Washington lawmakers. But when it comes to measures for reducing the deficit on which they might reach common ground, they will get little help in building support for an agreement by turning to public opinion. In my […]
How a Pop Tune Became the Hottest Social Media Meme
The hit song “Call Me Maybe” entered the news realm last week as a video of President Obama seemingly singing the tune went viral. The video also inspired numerous imitators, displaying the power of the online “meme.”
It Ain’t Heavy, It’s My Smartphone: American teens and the infiltration of mobility into their computing lives
Amanda Lenhart spoke at the 2012 Lawlor Summer Seminar in Minneapolis, where she discussed the rise in smartphone ownership among youth, the demographics of mobile phone ownership and the changes wrought as youth begin to have access anytime, anyw...