short reads | Aug 13, 2012

Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years

When it comes to American views on government and social values, the average partisan gap has nearly doubled over the last 25 years -- from 10 percentage points in 1987 to 18 percentage points.

report | Aug 10, 2012

What Voters Know about Campaign 2012

Overview Before you read the report, test your own News IQ by taking the interactive knowledge quiz. The short quiz includes many of the questions that were included in a national poll. Participants will instantly learn how they did on the quiz in comparison with the voting public as well as with people like them. […]

report | Aug 9, 2012

World to America: We want soft, not hard power

With less than three months to go in the U.S. presidential election, the candidates’ debate over America’s place in the world can only be expected to escalate. Recent public opinion surveys suggest that people outside the United States question American hard power and increasingly embrace U.S. soft power. Whoever is president in 2013, the success abroad of his foreign policy may depend on achieving the right balance in the exercise of American hard and soft power.

report | Aug 9, 2012

Census Bureau Pursues New Questions on Race and Hispanic Origin

This posting includes links to newly released Census Bureau research on how Americans should be asked about their race and ethnicity. It links to a previous posting that explains the background behind this ground-breaking research.

report | Aug 9, 2012

For Communication Grads, a Modest Job Recovery

What’s the job market like for 2011 mass communication and journalism graduates? According to a new survey from the University of Georgia, there was an uptick in the percentage of bachelor degree recipients who found jobs and, for the first time in years, a small increase in their salaries. But the overall picture is far from rosy.

report | Aug 9, 2012

New Pew Forum Report Describes Unity and Diversity of Islam Around the Globe

Washington, D.C. – The world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are united in their belief in God and the Prophet Muhammad and are bound together by such religious practices as fasting during the holy month of Ramadan and almsgiving to assist people in need. But they have widely differing views about many other aspects of their faith, […]

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