Condoleezza Rice Has a Lot of Nerve
European Conservatives Steer Clear of Romney
Most Have Favorable View of Michelle Obama
About two-thirds of registered voters have a favorable impression of Michelle Obama.
Majority of Public Agrees Labor Unions Needed
Nearly two-thirds of Americans agree that labor unions are necessary to protect working people.
Interest in Democratic Convention Not as High as in 2008
Just more than four-in-ten Americans say they are interested in what happens at the Democratic convention, down from about six-in-ten in 2008.
Mormonism in the 2012 Election
A new slideshow highlights recent Pew Research Center data on voters’ views of the Mormon religion and Mormons’ opinions on their place in society.
Romney in a Word: ’Honest,’ ’Businessman,’ ’Rich’
As the American public has learned more about Mitt Romney over the course of the past year, his image has changed substantially. Last fall, the one word that came to mind most frequently when people were asked to describe Romney was Mormon. The same question this spring elicited the words rich and no more frequently […]
Paul Ryan in a Word: ’Conservative,’ ’Intelligent’
As Paul Ryan prepares to accept his nomination as the GOP’s vice presidential candidate, the American public has a mixed impression of him. When asked what one word comes to mind when thinking about Ryan, the most frequent responses are conservative, intelligent, good, unknown, and young. In the latest national survey by the Pew Research […]
Determining Who Is a ’Likely Voter’
Scott Keeter, director of survey research, explains why pollsters switch from registered voters to likely voters in their samples as Election Day nears, and how the Pew Research Center determines who is likely to vote.