report | Feb 6, 2014

Demographic Clocks Ticking All across Asia

By Bruce Stokes, Director of Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center Special to Nikkei East Asia’s demographic clock is ticking, and it’s loudest in Japan. But by the middle of the century South Korea may face an equal aging challenge, with China not far behind. Meanwhile, few East Asians are confident of an adequate standard […]

report | Feb 6, 2014

Russia Morality Topline

Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100% because they are based on unrounded numbers. Not all questions included in the Spring 2013 survey are presented in this topline. Omitted questions have either been previously released or will be released […]

short reads | Feb 4, 2014

Facebook is a news source for many, but only incidentally

Unlike Twitter, which has developed into a go-to source for breaking news, only 28% of Facebook news consumers have ever used the service to track an unfolding news story. And even among that sub-subgroup, fewer than half (41%) said Facebook was among the first places they'd turn to keep up with a breaking news event.

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