report | May 1, 2014

Public Health a Major Priority in African Nations

Survey Report Concerns about public health are widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, and there is considerable support in the region for making public health challenges a top national priority. In particular, people want their governments to improve the quality of hospitals and other health care facilities and deal with the problem of HIV/AIDS. A Pew Research […]

report | Apr 30, 2014

Research Featured on Fact Tank

Pew Research Center’s Fact Tank blog was created in 2013 to serve as a real-time platform dedicated to finding the news in the numbers and expanding on the Center’s unique brand of data journalism. We feature insightful data related to today’s news events from our own extensive research projects and also provide a platform to […]

short reads | Apr 30, 2014

5 facts about the modern American family

In 1960, 37% of households included a married couple raising their own children. More than a half-century later, just 16% of households look like that.

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