A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Americans divided on prospects for two state solution in Mideast, Pew Research Center
Americans want to pull back from world stage, topline, WSJ/NBC News
8.7% of Congress members have come from ‘dynastic’ families, Washington Post
What college towns tell us about midterm elections, The Wall Street Journal
23% of young Americans say they will definitely vote in midterms, topline, Harvard
Analysis: Younger millennials not as Democratic as older millennials, Washington Post
Poll shows no leader in wide-open GOP race, Washington Post
Florida voters back gay marriage, immigrant in-state tuition, Quinnipiac

Advance estimate shows big drop in annualized GDP growth, BEA
U.S. Homeownership Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since Mid-1990s, Wall Street Journal
The top 1% is very white: A demographic breakdown by income, Vox
States face possible decline in tax collections, Rockefeller Inst.
State and locally-administered public pension system at $3.1 trillion, 2012, Census
Enrollment in student-debt forgiveness programs soars, The Wall Street Journal
Residential vacancies rates and homeownership in 1Q 2014, Census Bureau

Health & Society
The Heartbleed bug affected a large share of internet users, Pew Research
U.S. births drive rising Latino population; Data: Hispanics, foreign born, Pew Research
Mobile tech is widespread, but not many use them for political interactions, Gallup
Half of Illinois and Connecticut residents want to live somewhere else, Gallup
Map: Where racial diversity is highest and lowest in America, The Atlantic
Interactive: Where you live affects number of jobs available, The Atlantic Cities
California’s metros take the prize for 2014’s most-polluted cities, The Atlantic Cities

The 1% is getting more of the total income pie in most OECD nations, OECD
In 2011, OECD nations account for almost 50% world GDP, emerging nations 30%, OECD
EU, U.S. and China account for half of world’s GDP in 2011, Eurostat
Chart: China forecasted to become largest economy by year’s end, The Economist

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.