report | Dec 18, 2014

As U.S. Energy Production Grows, Public Policy Views Show Little Change

Survey Report The public is gradually becoming aware of America’s energy boom. Currently, 54% say domestic energy production has been increasing in recent years, up from 48% in September 2013. Meanwhile, the recent slide in gas prices is registering widely: An overwhelming 89% say that that pump prices have fallen in the past month. Despite […]

report | Dec 18, 2014

The Future of Privacy

Will governments and corporations expand current tracking policies? Or will innovators create new ways for individuals to control personal information? Experts are divided on whether a secure and balanced privacy-rights infrastructure will be in place by 2025.

feature | Dec 18, 2014

Privacy in 2025: Experts’ Predictions

We canvassed thousands of experts to ask them to predict the future of privacy in America and found they were divided on whether or not a secure, trusted privacy-rights infrastructure would be in place by 2025.

report | Dec 18, 2014

Many in Emerging and Developing Nations Disconnected from Politics

In recent years, high-profile protest movements have erupted in several emerging and developing countries, roiling, and sometimes overturning, the political status quo in Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, Brazil, Thailand and other nations. Millions have demonstrated, and activists have pioneered new forms of online engagement.

report | Dec 16, 2014

Perceptions of Job News Trend Upward

For the first time in at least five years, as many Americans say they are hearing good news as bad news about the nation’s job situation.

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