Explore the religious affiliation of each of the members to be sworn into the 114th Congress on Jan. 6, 2015. Data were compiled by CQ Roll Call and the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project.
Seven ordained ministers hold seats in the new Congress – one more than the number in the very first U.S. Congress (1789-1791).1 But because Congress was a much smaller body in the late 18th century than it is now – there were 91 members in the first Congress, compared with 535 voting members today – […]
More than nine-in-ten members of the newly elected 114th Congress are Christian -- a significantly higher share than is seen in the general population. However, many other major religious groups are represented in the body, including Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and the unaffiliated.
The wealth of material from this non-scientific, opt-in canvassing of experts resulted in seven reports about what trends might emerge in online life between now and 2025. Here are some key takeaways.
Despite a generation of threats and competitors, email ranks as the most important digital tool for workers who use the internet. Only 4% of these networked workers cite social media as very important on the job
Online American workers say the internet and email are very important tools for doing their jobs, rating them higher in importance than landline phones, mobile phones, and social networking sites. Just 7% say the internet makes them less productive at work.