report | Mar 18, 2014

The Rise of Federal Immigration Crimes

Between 1992 and 2012, the number of offenders sentenced in federal courts more than doubled, driven largely by a 28-fold increase in the number of unlawful reentry convictions.

short reads | Mar 11, 2014

Americans split on deportations as Latinos press Obama on issue

The White House is under pressure from Democrats and Latino leaders to ease deportations, as the number of unauthorized immigrants sent home neared 2 million under the Obama administration. Last week, National Council of La Raza President Janet Murguía called the president the “deporter-in-chief.”

short reads | Mar 6, 2014

Women’s college enrollment gains leave men behind

Even though college enrollment rates among young people have risen in recent decades, a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data shows that females outpace males in college enrollment, especially among Hispanics and blacks.

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