report | Apr 18, 2014

2012 National Survey of Latinos

Field dates: 9/7/12 – 10/4/12 Respondents: Nationally-representative sample of 1,765 Latinos ages 18 and older Margin of Error: +/- 3.2 percentage points at the 95% confidence interval. This survey focused on politics, attitudes regarding immigration laws, the economy, and the immigrant experience in the U.S.

short reads | Mar 27, 2014

Support for Obama, health care law has eroded among Hispanics

Today, as many Hispanics approve as disapprove (47%-47%) of the new health care law. That's down markedly compared with the 61% approval just six months ago. And during the same time period, Obama’s job approval rating has slipped 15 points among Hispanics.

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