The Changing Privacy Landscape
Lee Rainie details the social and business implications of a reshaped privacy landscape
Lee Rainie details the social and business implications of a reshaped privacy landscape
Nearly two years after Snowden's revelations, 87% of Americans say they have heard about U.S. surveillance programs. Among them, 25% say they have changed their own technological behaviors in some way.
Americans recognize stocks as the feature of the economy that's recovered the most strongly from the Great Recession. But inflation means the market's gains aren't quite as robust as they might first appear.
Crime consistently ranks as one of the most followed and discussed topics by the public, and it receives more attention in local news media than almost any other subject. A recent Pew Research Center report reinforces these findings but also suggests that certain groups of residents pay closer attention to local crime than others in […]
Seven-in-ten Americans rate him favorably, including two-thirds of those with no religious affiliation, a Pew Research Center poll finds.
Americans are set apart from people in other nations we surveyed by their emphasis on individualism and work ethic, as well as their religiosity and optimism.
There were 1.8 unemployed people per job opening in January, another indicator of the improving jobs situation.
Our research suggests the issue continues to resonate with many working moms.
Survey Report From news about the economy to controversy over Hillary Clinton’s emails and the trial of the Boston marathon bomber, no single story dominated the public’s news interest last week. Two stories drew far more interest from Republicans than Democrats: 34% of Republicans followed reports about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email address […]
Meanwhile, foreign-born shares among whites and blacks are expected to rise, according to new Census Bureau projections.