short reads | Jun 24, 2015

Jindal followed a rare path, from Hinduism to Catholicism

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a newly declared Republican candidate for president, is hoping to attract support from conservative evangelical Christian voters. Jindal himself is a Catholic, and, as the son of immigrants from Hindu-majority India, was raised in the Hindu faith.

short reads | Jun 23, 2015

Key takeaways on how the world views the U.S. and China

The U.S. image abroad remains mostly positive, although it has suffered somewhat from negative views of post-9/11 interrogation methods. China also is seen positively, though not on the issue of protecting individual freedoms.

report | Jun 23, 2015

Spring 2015 Survey

Below is a map of countries surveyed by the Pew Research Center in Spring 2015. The survey is based on 45,435 face-to-face and telephone interviews in 40 countries with adults 18 and older conducted from March 25 to May 27, 2015. More details about our international survey methodology and country-specific sample designs are available here. […]

short reads | Jun 23, 2015

The fading of the teen summer job

The share of teens working summer jobs has dwindled, from well over half as recently as the 1980s to less than a third last year.

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