Early morning, noon and late evening slots drive growth in local TV news
Faced with multiple years of audience declines during traditional time slots, many local TV stations began expanding their programming to nontraditional hours such as very early morning, midday and at 7 p.m.
Twitter users turn critical eye toward Greek prime minister after referendum
A new analysis of about 300,000 tweets in Greek and English, collected between July 6 and 12, finds that the conversation about the controversial Greek prime minister has been primarily negative in tone, especially among those posting tweets in Greek.
China’s middle class surges, while India’s lags behind
China and India both succeeded in slashing poverty from 2001 to 2011. But while that contributed to a rapidly growing middle class in China, it did little to increase the number of Indians who could be considered middle income.
Income by Class in China and India
The Evolving Role of News on Twitter and Facebook
Americans are more likely to get news on Twitter and Facebook than ever before. Our new study explores the similarities and differences in the role of news on these two social networks.
American, Israeli publics see Iran’s nuclear program as a top global threat
A new 40-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that concern over Iran’s nuclear program is greater in the United States and Israel than among other global publics.
5 key takeaways about Twitter, Facebook and news use
More Americans get news on Twitter and Facebook today than in the past. We pulled together key facts about news consumption on these two popular social media sites.
5 facts about Americans’ views on space exploration
If all went according to plan, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft swept past Pluto this morning just before 8 a.m. Eastern time, offering scientists and the public a glimpse at the previously unexplored edge of the solar universe.
Mixed public response to America’s pivot to Asia
In the October 2011 edition of the journal Foreign Policy, then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote that the U.S. planned to pivot to Asia.