short reads | Jul 15, 2015

China’s middle class surges, while India’s lags behind

China and India both succeeded in slashing poverty from 2001 to 2011. But while that contributed to a rapidly growing middle class in China, it did little to increase the number of Indians who could be considered middle income.

report | Jul 14, 2015

The Evolving Role of News on Twitter and Facebook

Americans are more likely to get news on Twitter and Facebook than ever before. Our new study explores the similarities and differences in the role of news on these two social networks.

short reads | Jul 14, 2015

5 facts about Americans’ views on space exploration

If all went according to plan, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft swept past Pluto this morning just before 8 a.m. Eastern time, offering scientists and the public a glimpse at the previously unexplored edge of the solar universe.

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