feature | Apr 4, 2014

Table: Religious Diversity Index Scores by Country

Download table as: Excel The Religious Diversity Index (RDI) Table is based on the index scores in Global Religious Diversity. For more information on how we calculated these scores, see the Methodology. Click on the column header to resort the column. Percentages represent the share of each country’s 2010 population that belongs to each religious […]

feature | Mar 11, 2014

World Wide Web Timeline

A timeline of the major milestones and small moments that have shaped the Web since 1989.

feature | Feb 11, 2014

Laws aimed at LGBT community in the former Soviet Union

The sortable table below shows major laws aimed at the LGBT community in the 15 countries that once made up Soviet Union. The five categories are not intended to be comprehensive. Click on the column headers to sort the table.

feature | Jan 30, 2014

Global Population Estimates by Age, 1950-2050

The demographic future for the U.S. and the world looks very different than the recent past. Growth from 1950 to 2010 was rapid—the global population nearly tripled, and the U.S. population doubled. However, population growth from 2010 to 2050 is projected to be significantly slower and is expected to tilt strongly to the oldest age […]

feature | Dec 3, 2013

Infographic: Survey of Jewish Americans

Highlights from the Pew Research Survey on Jewish American attitudes on Jewish identity, marriage patterns, child rearing, attitudes towards Israel, and Jewish religious beliefs and practices.

feature | Nov 21, 2013

Timeline: Key Dates in the End-of-Life Debate

Issues surrounding the end of life have been debated since long before New York became the first state to explicitly outlaw assisted suicide in 1828. This timeline looks at major events on the topic in the U.S. since the 1960s. Related Publications: Nov. 21, 2013 Views on End-of-Life Medical Treatments Nov. 21, 2013 To End […]

feature | Oct 1, 2013

Video: ‘A Portrait of Jewish Americans’ Overview

Alan Cooperman, deputy director of the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, presented an overview of the findings of the Pew Research survey of U.S. Jews at an Oct. 1 event in New York City, hosted by the Neubauer Family Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts. To see more videos by the Pew […]

feature | Oct 1, 2013

Calculate the Size of the U.S. Jewish Population

A major new Pew Research Center survey illuminates the many different ways in which Americans may self-identify as Jewish or partially Jewish. The survey provides a sense of how the size of the population varies depending on one’s definition of who is a Jew. Use the checkboxes below to calculate the size of the U.S. […]

feature | Aug 19, 2013

Audio and Slides: Religion Trends in the U.S.

Event Audio http://features.pewresearch.org/religion/Rel_Trends_Aug%208_event.mp3 Download mp3 Americans’ Weakening Ties to Organized Religion, 1973-2012: Generations & Politics Michael Hout New York University Claude S. Fischer University of California, Berkeley Hout&fischer pew 8 aug from Pew Research Center The Significance of the Rise of the Nones: Fundamental Change in Religiosity or Change in Labeling? Frank Newport Gallup Pew […]

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