Mapping the Marriage Market for Young Adults
For those in the “marriage market,” location matters. Pew Research Center has compiled census data on the number of unmarried men and women ages 25 to 34 in many of the nation’s metropolitan areas. We’ve also sorted the data by employment status.
How is one’s ideology linked to their child-rearing values?
Respondents in the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel were surveyed about which of 12 traits they feel are “especially important to teach children,” and to then choose the three most important.
Global Opinions of U.S. Surveillance
Compare 2014 Political Typology Groups
Compare 2014 Political Typology Groups
The 2014 Pew Research Center Political Typology looks beyond “Red vs. Blue” in American politics, sorting voters into cohesive groups, based on their attitudes and values – not their partisan labels. Use this tool to compare the groups on key topics.
Library User Quiz
Are you a “Library Lover”? An “Information Omnivore”? Or are you totally “Off the Grid”? Take our library engagement quiz to learn how your library habits and attitudes stack up against the general population.
Religious Switching Among Hispanics
A major survey of U.S. Hispanics conducted by the Pew Research Center finds that nearly one-third of Hispanics (32%) no longer belong to the religion in which they were raised.
U.S. Hispanics: Religious, Social and Political Differences
A major survey of U.S. Hispanics conducted by the Pew Research Center asked more than 5,000 respondents about their religious, social and political views. See how their responses compare to the U.S. general public, and note the differences within the Hispanic population among four major religious groups.