6 facts about how U.S. Catholics see Pope Francis
As Pope Francis approaches the fifth anniversary of his papacy, read six facts about how American Catholics view the pope.
As Pope Francis approaches the fifth anniversary of his papacy, read six facts about how American Catholics view the pope.
Después de cinco años de pontificado del papa Francisco, la amplia mayoría de católicos estadounidenses siguen teniendo una opinión favorable del pontífice argentino, y la mayoría dice que representa un cambio importante y positivo para la Iglesia Católica Romana. Sin embargo, una nueva encuesta de Pew Research Center ha detectado signos de un creciente descontento […]
American Catholics continue to have a favorable opinion of Francis. Yet there are signs of growing disenchantment with the Argentine pontiff, particularly among Catholic Republicans.
Last fall, large shares of Italians said they distrust parliament, that the national economic situation is bad and that politicians don’t care what people like them think.
The Rev. Billy Graham, who recently died at age 99, was one of the most influential and important evangelical Christian leaders of the 20th century. As the country remembers Rev. Billy Graham, here are five facts about American evangelical Protestants.
Generational differences have long been a factor in U.S. politics. These divisions are now as wide as they have been in decades, with the potential to shape politics well into the future.
Facebook and YouTube dominate the social media landscape. But younger Americans, especially those ages 18 to 24, stand out in using a variety of platforms like Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter.
Sub-Saharan African nations account for nine of the 10 fastest growing international migrant populations since 2010.
Explore origin and destination totals of migrants from 233 countries between 1990 and 2017.
Americans and Germans also have different views on which element of their countries' relationship is most important – economy, defense or shared democratic values.