Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries
As the number of international migrants reaches new highs, people around the world show little appetite for more migration – both into and out of their countries.
As the number of international migrants reaches new highs, people around the world show little appetite for more migration – both into and out of their countries.
Among GOP House incumbents who lost their re-election campaigns, 23 of 30 were more moderate than the median Republican in the chamber.
People around the world broadly think Russia plays a more important role in international affairs than it did a decade ago. But increased stature does not mean being better liked.
Pew Research Center uses benchmarking questions to ensure our surveys are accurate. Learn why and how we use these questions.
How do European countries differ in religious commitment? Use our interactive map to find out.
Within Europe, there are sometimes sizable differences in levels of religious commitment. A new interactive lets you explore these differences.
Central and Eastern Europeans of different ages are about equally likely to say that Christianity, birthplace and ancestry are important to national identity.
Americans continue to prefer watching the news rather than reading or listening to it, and their viewing loyalties have yet to migrate fully to the web.
While the share of Americans who say they are lonely all or most of the time is small, the share rises significantly for some groups.
Hieronder volgen specifieke bevindingen over de meningen en gewoontes ten aanzien van nieuwsmedia in Nederland. De bevindingen zijn afkomstig van een Pew Research Center-enquête over nieuwsmedia en politiek in acht West-Europese landen.