Middle Class Fortunes in Western Europe
From 1991 to 2010, the middle class expands in France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, but, as in the United States, shrinks in Germany, Italy and Spain
From 1991 to 2010, the middle class expands in France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, but, as in the United States, shrinks in Germany, Italy and Spain
Averigüe dónde se ubica en la distribución de adultos en España según su nivel de ingresos.
Hier erfahren Sie, welcher Einkommensklasse Sie angehören und wie Sie im Vergleich mit der erwachsenen Bevölkerung von Deutschland abschneiden.
See where you are in the distribution of adults in the United Kingdom by income tier.
Guarda dove ti trovi nella distribuzione degli adulti in Italia in base alla fascia di reddito.
Se, hvor du er i fordelingen af den voksne befolkning i Danmark efter indkomstniveau.
Federal officials are considering major changes in how they ask Americans about their race and ethnicity.
To mark the 100th anniversary of the U.S. government granting American citizenship to the residents of Puerto Rico, here are key facts about the territory.
In 2016, European Union countries, Norway and Switzerland received more than 1.2 million asylum applications, below the record 1.3 million applications received in 2015.
The number of refugees from the six travel-restricted countries represents 32% of all refugees who have entered the U.S. since Trump took office.