Are you middle class in Western Europe? Try our country-by-country income calculators
As part of a new study, Pew Research Center designed income calculators to help you determine where you fit on the income ladder in Western Europe.
As part of a new study, Pew Research Center designed income calculators to help you determine where you fit on the income ladder in Western Europe.
As the Mexican share of the total declined, the unauthorized immigrant population in the U.S. in 2015 was smaller than when the Great Recession ended.
A Pew Research Center analysis of income data from 11 Western European countries finds considerable differences in the fortunes of the middle classes in those countries. See where you fall on your country's income ladder.
Se hvordan du ligger an i inntektsnivået blant voksne i Norge.
Zie waar u staat in de verdeling van volwassenen in Nederland per inkomensklasse.
Gesitt, wou Dir Iech an der Verdeelung vun den Erwuessenen zu Lëtzebuerg no Akommesschicht befannt.
See where you are in the distribution of adults in Ireland by income tier.
Découvrez où vous vous situez dans la répartition des adultes en France par tranche de revenus.
Katso, mihin tuloluokkaan kuulut aikuisväestön jakauman perusteella Suomessa.
The fortunes of the middle classes across Western Europe are moving in different directions. Some nations are experiencing both growing incomes and expanding middle classes, while other nations are witness to stagnant or declining incomes and shrinking middle classes, a new Pew Research Center analysis of 11 Western European countries has found. But in a few other countries studied, the middle-class shares are decreasing even as incomes overall are rising.