fact sheet | Jan 1, 2002

Hispanic Health: Divergent and Changing

Latinos are in good health relative to most other Americans. Their favorable health does not stem from better access to medical care. In fact, many lack health insurance and regular care.

presentation | Nov 1, 2001

Online Grief Support Groups

In some of the most emotionally wrenching times of their lives, millions of dying and bereaved Americans are receiving great comfort from total strangers online.

report | Nov 26, 2000

The Online Health Care Revolution

A great many of the fifty-two million "health seekers" say the resources they find on the Web have a direct effect on the decisions they make about their health care and on their interactions with doctors.

report | Nov 21, 1997

Americans Support Action on Global Warming

Introduction and Summary Most Americans are willing to join other countries in setting standards to improve the global environment and a majority would even pay more for gasoline to reduce global warming. But on the eve of the December Kyoto conference on climate change, the American public strongly rejects the notion that the United States […]

report | Aug 19, 1990

American Perspectives: What Do We Look Like? How Do We Feel?

Report Summary At week’s end 66% of the American public said they were following news about the Iraqi invasion and the deployment of American forces to Saudi Arabia very closely. Events in the Middle East now dominate public consciousness to an extraordinary degree. An unparalleled 85% of Times Mirror’s nationwide telephone sample volunteered this, in […]

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