report | Jul 26, 2007

Social Ties and Obesity

Loved ones not only influence your choice of school, car, or housing -- they might influence your choices about smoking, exercise, and food, even if they live hundreds of miles away.

short reads | Jun 22, 2007

Support Stem Cell Research

That's the proportion of the U.S. public that believes that it is more important to conduct stem cell research that may result in new medical cures than to avoid destroying the potential life of embryos involved in such research.

report | Jun 13, 2007

The Darwin Debate

Twenty years after a landmark Supreme Court decision, Americans are still fighting over the teaching of creationism and other alternatives to evolution in the nation's schools.

report | Jun 13, 2007

Online Patient Groups

12% of internet users participate in an online patient group.

report | May 22, 2007

Health Data Geeks’ Wisdom

Cancer "weather maps," the age of biology, and how cell-only adults really are different from landline users.

report | May 16, 2007

An Evolving Debate about Evolution

The evolution controversy, traditionally a state and local issue, has vaulted into the national political arena, making a surprise appearance at the first Republican presidential candidate debate on May 3 and garnering a large amount of press attention

report | May 16, 2007

Tom Ferguson's spirit lives on at

report | May 16, 2007

An Evolving Debate about Evolution

by David Masci, Senior Research Fellow, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life The evolution controversy, traditionally a state and local issue, has vaulted into the national political arena, making a surprise appearance at the first Republican presidential candidate debate on May 3 and garnering a large amount of press attention in the days following […]

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