presentation | Apr 10, 2009

Teens and Social Media: An Overview

This talk presents an overview of Pew Internet project data on teens and social media, including teen tech tool ownership, communication patterns over social networks and mobile phones as well analysis of how young adults 18-29 seeking health info...

report | Apr 8, 2009

Smokers Can’t Blow Off Stress

While many say they light up to relieve stress, half of all smokers say they "frequently" experience stress in their daily lives, compared with just 35% of those who once smoked and have now quit, and 31% of those who never smoked.

report | Mar 25, 2009

Americans Favor Carbon Cap, Gays in the Military and Renewing U.S.-Cuba Ties

Overview Washington’s policy agenda has been dominated by the economy and financial crisis during President Obama’s first two months in office. Yet a number of other policy proposals are currently being considered or may emerge in the future. The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted March […]

short reads | Mar 9, 2009

Stem Cell Support

A majority of Americans say it is important to conduct stem-cell research.

report | Feb 12, 2009

The Global Middle Class

Views on Democracy, Religion, Values, and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Nations

report | Feb 11, 2009

Rare Diseases and Online Resources

One in ten Americans is living with a rare disorder. The internet can be a vital source of information for people who may never have otherwise met someone else with their disease or condition.

report | Feb 4, 2009

Evolution and Religion Research Package

A Pew Forum research package gives an overview of the debate, examines its social and legal dimensions and reviews the life and ideas of Charles Darwin. ANALYSIS Updated February 3, 2014 Overview: The Conflict Between Religion and Evolution Almost 150 years after Charles Darwin published his groundbreaking work On the Origin of Species by Means […]

report | Feb 4, 2009

Fighting Over Darwin, State by State

Updated February 3, 2014 The debate over whether and how to teach public school students about evolution may be an old one, but it shows no signs of abating. Indeed, in the last decade, questions about what students should learn about Darwin’s theory have been debated in more than half the states in the union […]

feature | Feb 4, 2009

Religious Differences on the Question of Evolution

In advance of the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birthday on Feb. 12, 2009, the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life recently released a research package exploring the evolution controversy in the U.S. The Pew Forum’s U.S. Religious Landscape Survey found that views on evolution differ widely across religious groups. Source: Pew […]

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