report | Oct 4, 2016

The Politics of Climate

Americans are polarized over the causes and cures of climate change and how much they trust climate scientists, but most support a role for scientists in climate policy and expanding solar and wind energy.

short reads | Sep 26, 2016

Americans wary of using chip implants to boost brain power for the healthy

Thanks to scientific advancements, brain chip implants are already being tested in individuals to help them cope with an injury or ailment. But when it comes to the potential use of such implants to give an already healthy and capable person abilities that they do not currently have, Americans are more wary than enthusiastic. Some […]

short reads | Sep 22, 2016

A political profile of disabled Americans

Overall, Americans with disabilities are engaged with the upcoming election, but they are less likely to turn out to vote as they face a number of obstacles to voting.

short reads | Aug 30, 2016

Americans skeptical about the potential use of synthetic blood

Americans are more worried than excited or enthusiastic about the potential for healthy people to use synthetic blood (63% vs. 36%). And a majority of Americans – roughly six-in-ten – said they would not want synthetic blood substitutes in their own body to improve their abilities, while 35% would be open to it.

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