Tom Ferguson's spirit lives on at e-patients.net
Tom Ferguson's spirit lives on at e-patients.net
This presentation provides data and insights about how the "participatory Web" may change how survey researchers think about online health information, as well as data on adults who continue to be offline in an online world.
Tagging, blogging, and social networking sites allow internet users to search for, catalog, and disseminate information.
That's the percentage of white evangelicals who express support for continuing stem cell research. Although less than half still oppose such research, the latest number represents a 12-point increase over the past year and is easily the highest level of support recorded among evangelicals in the past five years.
Most internet users start at a search engine when looking for health information online. Very few check the source and date of the information they find.
Is there such a thing as "internet addiction"? A new survey of internet users suggests that a portion of them experience behavioral problems connected to their internet use. Lee Rainie is among the panelists on the program who discuss the findings...
Find out why it might make sense to put health warnings on self-improvement ads. And learn what happens to companies whose CEO's are narcissists.
E-patients have a huge appetite for high-quality, relevant content.
That's the number of states that have allocated funds to support embryonic stem cell research. President Bush's veto of a measure to expand federal funding of such research leaves a handful of states on the contentious cutting edge of government efforts to boost the fledgling science.
African Americans are over-represented among cancer patients and under-represented among internet users, particularly on some health discussion group sites.