Embryonic stem cell research, which uses special cells found in three- to five-day-old human embryos to seek cures for a host of chronic diseases, has sparked a major moral and political debate in the United States. In the 10 years since University of Wisconsin scientists announced they had harvested potentially life-saving cells from surplus embryos […]
Something important is afoot in the land when people are able to access and share "industrial strength" information instead of being satisfied with the "consumer strength" information previously offered to them.
In this presentation, Mary Madden and Susannah Fox discuss the rise of participatory medicine within the context of key internet demographics and emerging online trends.
Alicia Chang’s story on doctor-patient email has generated quite a bit of coverage and comment across the Web. I’m quoted as saying that “[p]eople are able to file their taxes online, buy and sell household goods, and manage their financial accounts. The health care industry seems to be lagging behind other industries.” Here is a […]
Summary of Findings A year after the problems at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military hospitals made major news, the public remains highly critical of the government’s performance in supporting and caring for soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. Fully 72% say the government does not give enough support to soldiers […]