Family Caregivers Online
Thirty percent of U.S. adults provide support to a loved one. The internet is a key information and communications resource for this front-line labor force.
Thirty percent of U.S. adults provide support to a loved one. The internet is a key information and communications resource for this front-line labor force.
Grassroots contribution to health research just got a boost. Is it time for us to measure personal genetic testing?
The American Journal of Managed Care recently published a commentary entitled, "Bowling Alone, Healing Together: The Role of Social Capital in Delivery Reform."
A 5-minute video overview of peer-to-peer health care.
Pew Internet asked two questions about "self-tracking" in 2010 - how should we expand this area of our research?
Susannah Fox will serve as a "white hat" advisor to participants in the Health Data Initiative Forum.
A conversation about rare disease, the impact of the internet, and love.
How one man became the chief of a tribe he didn't know existed, thanks to the internet.
Stephen Wolfram predicts that we will all self-track some day, but a Pew Internet survey suggests we have a long way to go. Just 1 in 4 internet users track health data online.
As mobile, social tools spread throughout the population, people are connecting with each other. Why not harness those tools for health?