Coronavirus death toll is heavily concentrated in Democratic congressional districts
Nearly a quarter of all U.S. deaths attributed to the coronavirus have been in just 12 congressional districts.
Nearly a quarter of all U.S. deaths attributed to the coronavirus have been in just 12 congressional districts.
Relatively few Americans say they have tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, but many more believe they may have been infected.
Americans’ expectations for the year ahead include an effective treatment or cure for COVID-19, as well as a vaccine to prevent the disease.
Also, a declining share of Republicans say the coronavirus is a major threat to health in the United States.
A majority of Americans continue to say their greater concern is that state governments will lift coronavirus-related restrictions on public activity too quickly.
The percentage who say journalists have exaggerated the risks of the outbreak has decreased notably in recent weeks.
The outbreak has altered life in the U.S. in many ways, but in key respects it has affected black and Hispanic Americans more than others.
We're committed to informing the public with facts about the far-reaching impact that this global pandemic is having on our society.
Only 10 states are preventing in-person religious gatherings in any form, according to our analysis of recent state-level regulations.
U.S. adults express wide concern that states will lift COVID-19 restrictions too quickly.