short reads | Jun 22, 2007

Support Stem Cell Research

That's the proportion of the U.S. public that believes that it is more important to conduct stem cell research that may result in new medical cures than to avoid destroying the potential life of embryos involved in such research.

short reads | Jan 17, 2007

Evangelical Support for Stem Cell Research

That's the percentage of white evangelicals who express support for continuing stem cell research. Although less than half still oppose such research, the latest number represents a 12-point increase over the past year and is easily the highest level of support recorded among evangelicals in the past five years.

report | Aug 3, 2006

Pragmatic Americans Liberal and Conservative on Social Issues

Summary of Findings Americans cannot be easily characterized as conservative or liberal on today’s most pressing social questions. The public’s point of view varies from issue to issue. They are conservative in opposing gay marriage and gay adoption, liberal in favoring embryonic stem cell research and a little of both on abortion. Along with favoring […]

short reads | Jul 25, 2006

State Actions on Stem Cell Research

That's the number of states that have allocated funds to support embryonic stem cell research. President Bush's veto of a measure to expand federal funding of such research leaves a handful of states on the contentious cutting edge of government efforts to boost the fledgling science.

report | Jul 18, 2006

Religion and Stem Cell Research

A Pew Forum Fact Sheet In August 2005, the Pew Forum released poll data indicating a steady increase in support for stem cell research since 2002. The report showed increases among evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics. Roughly half (52%) of opponents of stem cell research said their religious beliefs were the biggest influence on […]

transcript | Jul 18, 2006

John Green Addresses Religious Dynamic in Stem Cell Politics

Washington, D.C. Values and morality, often grounded in religious belief, have shaped the political contours of the stem cell research debate. As Congress and President Bush take up the issue, the Pew Forum provides answers to the following questions. Featuring: John Green, Senior Fellow in Religion and American Politics, Pew Forum on Religion & Public […]

report | Jan 5, 2006

Strong Public Support for Right to Die

Summary of Findings An overwhelming majority of the public supports laws that give patients the right to decide whether they want to be kept alive through medical treatment. And fully 70% say there are circumstances when patients should be allowed to die, while just 22% believe that doctors and nurses should always do everything possible […]

report | Aug 3, 2005

Abortion and Rights of Terror Suspects Top Court Issues

Summary of Findings Abortion has dominated the early skirmishing over President Bush’s nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. But the public takes a more expansive view of the court’s agenda. Indeed, about as many Americans rate the rights of detained terrorist suspects as a very important issue for the Supreme Court as say […]

report | May 23, 2005

More See Benefits of Stem Cell Research

Coming on the heels of last week’s announcement that South Korean scientists had cloned a human embryo, the U.S. House is nearing a vote on expanding federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. President Bush has threatened to veto the legislation if it passes. Surveys last year by the Pew Research Center for the People […]

report | Aug 24, 2004

GOP the Religion-Friendly Party, But Stem Cell Issue May Help Democrats

Navigate this Report GOP More Friendly to Religion Stem Cell Research Views Shifting Catholic Leaders and Communion Churches and Politics Politicians and Faith Gay Marriage Ten Commandments in Public Buildings As the Republicans gather in New York to nominate George W. Bush for a second term, more Americans see the Republican Party than the Democratic […]

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