feature | Nov 9, 2021

How the political typology groups compare

Pew Research Center’s political typology sorts Americans into cohesive, like-minded groups based on their values, beliefs, and views about politics and the political system. Use this tool to compare the groups on some key topics and their demographics.

fact sheet | Nov 20, 2017

Facts on Foreign Students in the U.S.

The U.S. has more foreign students enrolled in its colleges and universities than any other country in the world. Explore data about foreign students in the U.S. higher education system.

short reads | Jun 9, 2015

A look at popes and their encyclicals

Popes have written encyclicals on an array of topics, ranging from the nature of work to the virginity of Jesus’ mother, Mary.

short reads | May 23, 2014

A half century of well-traveled popes

Led by the prolific travels of Pope John Paul II, pontiffs have reached 135 different countries and territories at least once since 1964.

report | Mar 13, 2013

Resources on Catholicism and the Pope

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has a variety of resources on Catholicism and Pope Benedict XVI, including public opinion polls, research studies, event transcripts and interviews.

report | Feb 12, 2013

Pope Benedict Over the Years: News Coverage by the Numbers

Pope Benedict XVI, the spiritual leader of some 1 billion Catholics worldwide, announced on February 11 that he will retire from his post by the end of the month, citing weakness and age. It will make him the first pope to resign in 600 years. Perhaps the most visible religious figure in the world, Pope […]

report | Apr 7, 2010

Broad Criticism of Pope Benedict’s Handling of Sex Abuse Scandal

Overview Amid new revelations of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI’s job ratings for handling the scandal have plummeted. Only about one-in-ten (12%) say the pope has done an excellent (3%) or good job (9%) in addressing the sex abuse scandal; 71% say he has done a poor (44%) or only fair […]

report | May 6, 2008

Pope Benedict’s Image Improves Following U.S. Visit

Summary of Findings Following his first visit to the United States as spiritual leader of the world’s Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI is viewed more favorably than he was a few weeks before his trip. Currently, 61% of Americans say they have a favorable impression of the pope, up from 52% in late March. Views of […]

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