feature | May 12, 2015

Religious Landscape Study

Explore the geographic distribution and demographics of America's major religious groups.

report | Apr 4, 2014

Global Religious Diversity

A new report measures religious diversity by the percentage of each country's population in eight categories — Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, the unaffiliated, folk religionists and members of other religions.

feature | Apr 4, 2014

Table: Religious Diversity Index Scores by Country

Download table as: Excel The Religious Diversity Index (RDI) Table is based on the index scores in Global Religious Diversity. For more information on how we calculated these scores, see the Methodology. Click on the column header to resort the column. Percentages represent the share of each country’s 2010 population that belongs to each religious […]

feature | Dec 18, 2012

Table: Religious Composition by Country, in Numbers

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report | Dec 18, 2012

The Global Religious Landscape

A country-by-country analysis of data from more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population registers finds that 84% of adults and children around the globe are religiously affiliated. The study also finds that the median age of two major groups – Muslims (23 years) and Hindus (26) – is younger than the world’s overall population (28), while Jews have the highest median age (36).

report | Aug 6, 2012

How Many U.S. Sikhs?

The August 5 shootings at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., left six dead and many questions about the motives behind the tragedy. News coverage of the event has focused on why the alleged gunman targeted people at the Sikh Temple and has turned attention to the Sikh community, a religious group with a […]

short reads | Dec 29, 2009

Reading the Stars

One-in-four American adults believe in astrology, including 23% of Christians.

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