feature | Nov 29, 2017

The Growth of Germany’s Muslim Population

Immigration has been a major factor in the growth of Germany’s Muslim population. But, even if there is no more immigration, Muslims will continue to increase as a share of Germany’s population in future decades.

short reads | Nov 29, 2017

5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe

In the coming decades, the Muslim share of Europe's population is expected to grow – and could more than double. Read five facts about the Muslim population in Europe.

report | Nov 29, 2017

Europas wachsende muslimische Bevölkerung

Prognosen zufolge wird der muslimische Anteil an der europäischen Bevölkerung zunehmen –  selbst ohne zukünftige Migration Europa hat in den vergangenen Jahren Rekordzahlen an Asylsuchenden verzeichnet, die vor Konflikten in Syrien und anderen vorwiegend muslimischen Ländern geflohen sind. Diese Welle an muslimischen Migranten hat in zahlreichen Ländern einwanderungs- und sicherheitspolitische Debatten ausgelöst und Fragen aufgeworfen […]

report | Nov 29, 2017

Croissance de la population musulmane en Europe

Les projections prévoient une augmentation du pourcentage de musulmans dans la population européenne, même sans migrations ultérieures. Ces dernières années, l’Europe a connu un afflux record de demandeurs d’asile fuyant les conflits que connaissent la Syrie et d’autres pays à majorité musulmane. Cette vague de migrants musulmans a suscité dans de nombreux pays des débats […]

report | Nov 29, 2017

The Growth of Germany’s Muslim Population

Between 2010 and 2016, the number of Muslims living in Germany rose from 3.3 million (4.1% of the population) to nearly 5 million (6.1%), while the rest of the population shrank modestly from 77.1 million to 76.5 million.

fact sheet | Nov 20, 2017

Facts on Foreign Students in the U.S.

The U.S. has more foreign students enrolled in its colleges and universities than any other country in the world. Explore data about foreign students in the U.S. higher education system.

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