report | Jul 13, 2016

Evangelicals Rally to Trump, Religious ‘Nones’ Back Clinton

Evangelical voters are rallying strongly in favor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Indeed, the latest Pew Research Center survey finds that despite the professed wariness toward Trump among many high-profile evangelical Christian leaders, evangelicals as a whole are, if anything, even more strongly supportive of Trump than they were of Mitt Romney at a […]

short reads | Mar 14, 2016

Exit polls and the evangelical vote: A closer look

As Donald Trump has racked up big wins among self-described "born-again or evangelical" Christians in many of the early primaries, some religious leaders, political analysts and researchers have questioned whether many of these self-described evangelicals actually are evangelical Christians.

short reads | Feb 23, 2016

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings

Mormons are the most heavily Republican-leaning religious group in the U.S., while a pair of major historically black Protestant denominations are two of the most reliably Democratic groups.

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