report | Feb 12, 2015

How Different Groups Think about Scientific Issues

Different demographic groups think differently about scientific issues. For example, those more likely to think genetically modified food is unsafe include women, African-Americans and Hispanics, and those without college degrees. Those more likely to say parents should be able to decide whether to vaccinate their children include younger adults, Republicans and independents.

short reads | Jan 29, 2015

The political divide on views toward Muslims and Islam

A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2014 shows that people who identify as Republicans or say they lean toward the Republican Party have more negative views of Muslims than do their Democratic counterparts.

short reads | Jan 22, 2015

House Catholics are trending Republican

More House Republicans in the new, 114th Congress identify as Catholic than in any other recent Congress, and they now outnumber Catholic Democrats in the House.

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data essay | Dec 21, 2022

Key Findings From the Global Religious Futures Project

The Global Religious Futures (GRF) project is jointly funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts and The John Templeton Foundation. Here are some big-picture findings from the GRF, together with context from other Pew Research Center studies.

report | Jun 29, 2021

Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation

Indians see religious tolerance as a central part of who they are as a nation. Across the major religious groups, most people say it is very important to respect all religions to be “truly Indian.”

report | Feb 16, 2021

Faith Among Black Americans

Today, most Black adults say they rely on prayer to help make major decisions, and view opposing racism as essential to their religious faith.

report | May 12, 2015

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the share of Americans who do not identify with any organized religion is growing. These changes affect all regions in the country and many demographic groups.
