Key findings about Americans’ views on religious liberty and nondiscrimination
Our new survey focusing on contraception, same-sex marriage and transgender rights finds the public closely divided over some – though not all – of these issues.
Our new survey focusing on contraception, same-sex marriage and transgender rights finds the public closely divided over some – though not all – of these issues.
The U.S. public expresses a clear consensus on the contentious question of whether employers who have religious objections to contraception should be required to provide it in health insurance plans for their employees.
Table of Contents If you are Jewish, odds are that you live in Israel or the United States. Four out of every five Jews in the world live in these two countries, with approximately 6 million Jews in each. Differing perspectives Pew Research Center has surveyed Jewish adults in both places, and has found deep bonds between them. Nevertheless, […]
Reflecting a time of growing partisan polarization, Republicans and Democrats hold very different views on the impact of many of the nation's institutions.
Thanks to scientific advancements, brain chip implants are already being tested in individuals to help them cope with an injury or ailment. But when it comes to the potential use of such implants to give an already healthy and capable person abilities that they do not currently have, Americans are more wary than enthusiastic. Some […]
Nearly four-in-ten white evangelical voters who support Trump mention that they do so at least in part because he is not Clinton.
The share of Americans who do not identify with a religious group is surely growing, but there are differing ideas about the factors driving this trend.
Human enhancement may be just around the corner. How do Americans view these emerging technologies that may one day enhance our human capabilities?
Americans are more worried than excited or enthusiastic about the potential for healthy people to use synthetic blood (63% vs. 36%). And a majority of Americans – roughly six-in-ten – said they would not want synthetic blood substitutes in their own body to improve their abilities, while 35% would be open to it.
A new gene-editing method called CRISPR exemplifies how the technology is rapidly becoming a present-day reality. Yet, Americans are wary of editing embryos, according to a survey on the broader field of “human enhancement.”
The Global Religious Futures (GRF) project is jointly funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts and The John Templeton Foundation. Here are some big-picture findings from the GRF, together with context from other Pew Research Center studies.
Indians see religious tolerance as a central part of who they are as a nation. Across the major religious groups, most people say it is very important to respect all religions to be “truly Indian.”
Today, most Black adults say they rely on prayer to help make major decisions, and view opposing racism as essential to their religious faith.
The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the share of Americans who do not identify with any organized religion is growing. These changes affect all regions in the country and many demographic groups.