report | May 2, 2005

Latino Labor Report, 2004

Hispanic workers enjoyed significant gains in employment in 2004. But the concentration of Latinos in relatively low-skill occupations contributed to reduced earnings for them for the second year in a row.

report | Mar 14, 2005

Survey of Mexican Migrants, Part Two

The survey findings reveal whether the migrants would vote if they could and which segments of the migrant population are likely to meet key eligibility requirements.

report | Jan 24, 2005

Hispanics: A People in Motion

The places Latinos live, the jobs they hold, the schooling they complete, the languages they speak, even their attitudes on key political and social issues, are all in flux.

report | Dec 6, 2004

Shades of Belonging

The findings of this study suggest that Hispanics see race as a measure of belonging, and whiteness as a measure of inclusion, or of perceived inclusion.

fact sheet | Oct 1, 2004

The Hispanic Electorate in Florida

About 1.5 million Latinos are eligible to vote in Florida, representing approximately 14 percent of the more than 11 million eligible voters in the state, according to analysis of data from Current Population Surveys conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census in 2003.

report | Jul 22, 2004

2004 National Survey of Latinos: Politics and Civic Participation

by The Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation Field Dates: 4/21/04 – 6/9/04 Respondents: Nationally-representative sample of 2,288 Latino respondents age 18 and older In order to better understand how the Hispanic population, both voters and non-voters, see the political choices facing the nation this year, the Pew Hispanic Center and the Henry […]

fact sheet | Jul 22, 2004

The Hispanic Electorate in 2004

The rapid growth of the Latino population has been a subject of intense public attention since the 2000 Census reported a 58% increase over the 1990 total and later Census Bureau estimates concluded that Hispanics had surpassed African Americans in number.

report | Jun 23, 2004

Federal Policy and Latinos in Higher Education

The purpose of this study is to describe federal legislation and programs that support higher education and to assess Latino participation in these programs. While there are many programs at the state, institutional, and community levels that facilitate access to higher education for Latinos, the Higher Education Act (HEA), due for reauthorization this year, is the main policy vehicle at the federal level for postsecondary education programs. These programs provide concrete examples of educational activities that can inform--and be informed by--local activities and programs to facilitate Latino student access, persistence, and completion of higher education. A series of developments in the costs and financing of colleges and universities set the context for HEA reauthorization.

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