report | May 12, 2009

Minorities, Immigrants and Homeownership

The boom-and-bust cycle in the U.S. housing market over the past decade and a half has generated greater gains and larger losses for minority groups than it has for whites, according to an analysis of housing, economic and demographic data.

report | Apr 30, 2009

Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History

The electorate in last year’s presidential election was the most racially and ethnically diverse in U.S. history, with nearly one-in-four votes cast by non-whites, according to a new analysis of Census Bureau data.

report | Apr 14, 2009

A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States

The nation's 11.9 million unauthorized immigrants are more geographically dispersed than in the past, according to a new demographic and geographic analysis of this group that includes population and labor force estimates for each state.

feature | Jan 30, 2009

African-Americans and Religion

A new analysis by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that African-Americans are markedly more religious on a variety of measures than the U.S. population as a whole. Source: Pew Forum U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, conducted in 2007, released in 2008 Data tables available in the full report.

report | Jan 30, 2009

A Religious Portrait of African-Americans

Overview I. Religious Affiliation and Demographics II. Religious Beliefs and Practices III. Social and Political Views Overview While the U.S. is generally considered a highly religious nation, African-Americans are markedly more religious on a variety of measures than the U.S. population as a whole, including level of affiliation with a religion, attendance at religious services, […]

report | Jan 15, 2009

Hispanics and the New Administration

A year and a half after a lengthy, often rancorous debate over immigration reform filled the chambers of a stalemated Congress, the issue appears to have receded in importance among one of the groups most affected by it--Latinos.

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