report | Jun 8, 2023

Asian Americans Hold Mixed Views Around Affirmative Action

About half of Asian adults who have heard of affirmative action (53%) say it is a good thing, 19% say it is a bad thing, and 27% say they don’t know whether it is good or bad. However, about three-quarters of all Asian adults (76%) say race or ethnicity should not factor into college admissions decisions.

report | May 17, 2023

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Workplace diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, or DEI, are increasingly becoming part of national political debates. For a majority of employed U.S. adults (56%), focusing on increasing DEI at work is a good thing. But relatively small shares of workers place a lot of importance on diversity at their workplace.

report | May 8, 2023

Diverse Cultures and Shared Experiences Shape Asian American Identities

Among Asian Adults living in the U.S., 52% say they most often describe themselves using ethnic labels that reflect their heritage and family roots, either alone or together with "American." About six-in-ten (59%) say that what happens to Asians in the U.S. affects their own lives.

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