short reads | Jun 11, 2015

American Indian and white, but not ‘multiracial’

Biracial adults who are white and American Indian are among the least likely of mixed-race adults to consider themselves multiracial (only 25% do). They are among the most likely to say their multiracial background has been neither an advantage nor a disadvantage.

short reads | Jun 11, 2015

How Pew Research Center conducted its survey of multiracial Americans

We released our first report on American multiracial adults, a group that comprises an estimated 6.9% of the adult population, or nearly 17 million adults. The report looks at who they are demographically, their attitudes and experiences, and the spectrum of their racial identity.

report | Jun 11, 2015

Multiracial in America

Multiracial Americans are at the cutting edge of social and demographic change in the U.S.

report | May 12, 2015

English Proficiency on the Rise Among Latinos

A record 33.2 million Hispanics in the U.S. speak English proficiently. While this share of Hispanics has been growing, the share that speaks Spanish at home has been declining over the past 13 years.

report | Apr 9, 2015

A Rising Share of the U.S. Black Population Is Foreign Born

A record 3.8 million black immigrants live in the U.S. today, accounting for 8.7% of the nation's black population, nearly triple their share in 1980. While half are from the Caribbean, African immigration has soared since 2000.

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