feature | Oct 15, 2018

Mapping the Latino electorate 2018

More than 29 million Latinos are eligible to vote nationwide in the 2018 midterm elections. See how the share of Latino voters varies by state and congressional district.

report | Jul 12, 2018

Income Inequality in the U.S. Is Rising Most Rapidly Among Asians

The gap in the standard of living between Asians near the top and the bottom of the income ladder nearly doubled from 1970 to
2016. Amid rising inequality overall, Asians displaced blacks as the most economically divided major U.S. racial or ethnic group.

report | Jul 11, 2018

Activism in the Social Media Age

As the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag turns 5 years old, a look at its evolution on Twitter and how Americans view social media's impact on political and civic engagement

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