report | Nov 3, 2010

A Clear Rejection of the Status Quo, No Consensus about Future Policies

An older and much more conservative electorate than in 2006 and 2008 propelled the Republican Party to a broad victory in the 2010 midterm elections. But the vote was more repudiation than endorsement. Views of the Republican Party are no more positive than those of the Democratic Party.

report | Oct 31, 2010

GOP Likely to Recapture Control of House

Overview Pew Research Center’s final 2010 pre-election survey finds the Republican Party continuing to hold a solid lead in preferences for Tuesday’s midterm election. The poll, conducted Oct. 27-30 among 2,373 registered voters, including 1,809 voters considered the most likely to vote, shows that 48% of likely voters say they will vote for the Republican […]

report | Oct 31, 2010

GOP Likely to Capture Control of House

Republicans continue to hold a solid lead in preferences for Tuesday's midterm elections among likely voters -- enough so as to suggest they will win control of the House. The GOP owes its lead to strong backing from independents and record-levels of engagement among its partisans.

report | Oct 29, 2010

The Party of Nonvoters

There will almost certainly be far more nonvoters than voters this year. Nonvoters are younger, less educated and more financially stressed than likely voters. They are also significantly less Republican and more likely to approve of Obama's job performance.

report | Oct 28, 2010

Disputed Video Brings Religion to Forefront of Hawaii’s Gubernatorial Race

Hawaii Lt. Governor James “Duke” Aiona‘s religious beliefs and his past involvement with an international Christian organization, the International Transformation Network, have become an issue in his bid for the governor’s office, according to Hawaiian media reports. Aiona, a Republican, is running against Democrat Neil Abercrombie, who represented Hawaii’s 1st District in Congress from 1991 […]

report | Oct 21, 2010

Ground War More Intense Than 2006, Early Voting More Prevalent

Overview As the midterm elections approach, there is every indication that voter turnout will be as high as in 2006, but unlike four years ago, Republicans – not Democrats – are now more engaged and enthusiastic about casting a ballot. The prospects for a GOP turnout advantage on Election Day are almost as favorable in […]

report | Oct 21, 2010

Pre-Election Analysis: Politics in the Pulpit

This analysis is a section from an Oct. 21, 2010 survey report by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, Ground War More Intense Than 2006, Early Voting More Prevalent. Read the full report and survey methodology. Among voters who attend religious services at least once or twice a month, 15% say […]

report | Oct 20, 2010

Gubernatorial Candidates Caught Up in Death Penalty Debates

With Election Day less than two weeks away, debates over the death penalty are heating up in gubernatorial races in California, Connecticut and Illinois. On Oct. 14, California GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, a staunch death penalty supporter, released a television ad attacking her Democratic opponent, California Attorney General Jerry Brown, for his position on […]

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