A new Census Bureau projection for growth in the Hispanic population projection by 2050 is lower—by nearly 30 million—than earlier population projections published by the bureau.
While many political workers already live nomadic lives, given the on-the-job demands of the campaign trail, their employment statuses can be similarly in flux.
President Obama’s approval rating has barely moved in over a year and remains at 43%. In fact, the share of Americans approving of Obama has wavered between 41% and 45% in 13 consecutive Pew Research surveys dating back to September 2013.
Survey Report After a sweeping midterm election victory on Nov. 4, the Republican Party retook full control of Congress. But the public has mixed reactions to the GOP’s big win – much as it did four years ago, after Republicans gained control of the House though not the Senate. The post-election survey by the Pew […]
Would Latinos turn out to vote in greater numbers this year? Would the lack of action on immigration reform by President Obama and Congress depress voter turnout, or raise it? Here are five takeaways about Latino voters in this year’s midterm elections.
Democrats maintained a large edge among Latinos voting in the midterm elections, but in some states, Republican candidates won more than 40% of the Latino vote.
Exit poll data from the 2014 midterm elections finds the GOP made inroads among some religious constituencies that traditionally have not been as supportive of Republican candidates.
The overall vote share is similar to the 2010 midterm elections, and many of the key demographic divides in 2010 — particularly wide gender and age gaps — remain.
The two primary sources that provide insight into voter demographics use different methodologies, are released at different times, and often produce slightly different results.