Donald Trump receives generally negative ratings from the public across a range of personal traits and characteristics. Just 24% of Americans say Trump is even-tempered, while nearly three times as many (70%) say that description does not apply to him. Fewer than half say that Trump is a strong leader (43%), well-informed (38%), empathetic (36%) […]
With less than six weeks to go before the elections for Congress, voter enthusiasm is at its highest level during any midterm in more than two decades.
Roughly seven-in-ten Russians say their government did not try to meddle in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. However, 85% say the U.S. tries to shape the internal affairs of other countries.
Across a range of political activities – from attending political rallies to donating to campaigns – voters who back Democratic candidates for Congress are reporting higher levels of political activity than GOP voters.
Younger Americans are less likely than their elders and partisans are more likely than independents to have positive views of past congressional candidate pools in their districts.
Mitch McConnell’s decision to shorten the chamber’s August recess isn’t unprecedented. But in an election year – when a third of senators are on the campaign trail – it’s unusual.
The congressional elections are more than four months away, but voter engagement is high when compared with comparable points in previous midterm cycles.
Generation X and younger generations make up a majority of the U.S. electorate. But if past U.S. midterm election turnout patterns hold true, these younger Americans are unlikely to cast the majority of votes this November.