short reads | Nov 7, 2018

How religious groups voted in the midterm elections

White evangelical or born-again Christians backed GOP candidates for the House at about the same rate in 2014. Religious "nones" and Jewish voters again largely backed Democratic candidates.

short reads | Nov 6, 2018

Weekday elections set the U.S. apart from many other advanced democracies

Many of the millions of Americans voting in Tuesday's midterm elections will have to do so while working around the demands of their jobs – hitting their polling places before work, taking an extra-long lunch break or going afterward and hoping to make it before the polls close. As they stand in line, many of them may wonder why it is that the United States votes on a Tuesday, of all days.

short reads | Nov 2, 2018

Hispanic voters more engaged in 2018 than in previous midterms

More Hispanic registered voters say they have given “quite a lot” of thought to the upcoming midterm elections compared with four years ago and are more enthusiastic to vote this year than in previous congressional elections. But they lag behind the general public on some measures of voter engagement.

short reads | Nov 1, 2018

A look at voters’ views ahead of the 2018 midterms

With this year’s midterm elections just a week away, here are some key findings from Pew Research Center surveys over the past several months about some of the dynamics and issues shaping the battle for Congress.

short reads | Nov 1, 2018

Exit polls, election surveys and more: A guide for the 2018 midterms

On election night 2018, besides the exit polls there will be an additional source of data on who voted and why, developed by The Associated Press, Fox News and NORC at the University of Chicago and based on a very different methodology. That means that depending on where you go for election news, you may get a somewhat different portrait of this year's electorate.

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