What to know about the Iowa caucuses
After months of campaigning, debating, polling and fundraising, Democratic presidential candidates face their first real-world test Feb. 3.
After months of campaigning, debating, polling and fundraising, Democratic presidential candidates face their first real-world test Feb. 3.
Latinos are expected for the first time to be the nation’s largest racial or ethnicity minority in a U.S. presidential election.
More than 32 million Latinos are eligible to vote nationwide in the 2020 presidential elections. See how the share of Latino voters varies by state and congressional district.
Most Democratic voters say this year’s caucuses and primaries will do a good job of selecting the best nominee for the presidential election.
Democrats' preferences for the nominee are deeply divided along ideological and demographic lines.
Both Democrats and Republicans express far more distrust than trust of social media sites as sources for political and election news.
So far, 28 representatives have announced they’re retiring; four other Republicans and three Democrats are running for other offices instead.
Use an interactive tool to create tables exploring our survey questions about how Americans’ news habits and attitudes relate to what they hear, perceive and know about the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Many Democrats and Republicans hold divergent views of President Donald Trump's withholding of military aid to Ukraine. But in today’s fragmented news media environment, party identification may not be the only fault line.
As the U.S. enters a heated 2020 presidential election year, Republicans and Democrats place their trust in two nearly inverse news media environments.